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Sun Zuoren



Sun Zuoren




Professional Ranks and Titles





Master Supervisor

Administrative position


Reviewer of Energy Policy, Energy   Economics, Economic Dynamics and Sustainability

Contact information


Tel.: 13963122745, Email: sunzuoren@sdu.edu.cn, sunzuoren2005@163.com

Research interests


1. Energy   and Environmental Economics

2. Economic   Growth and Environment

3. Eco-environment   Assessment

4. Modelling   and Analysis of Energy-Environment-Economy (3E) system

Courses offered


Statistics, Econometrics and Special   Topic on Research Methods of Economics

Educational   background


B.Sc. in Management (2003-2007)   --------- Shandong University of Science and Technology, major in e-commerce

M.Sc. in Management (2007-2010)   --------- Shandong University of Science and Technology, major in management   science and engineering

Ph.D. (2010-2014) --------- Nanjing   University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, major in management science and   engineering

Postdoctor (2014-2016) ---------   Shandong University, major in applied economics

Lecturer (2014- ) --------- Department   of Accounting, Business School, Shandong University, Weihai

Visiting Scholar (2019- ) ---------The Institute   for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Loughborough University– London



1. Z.R. Sun, Y.D. Liu, Y.N. Yu, 2019. Chinas carbon   emission peak pre-2030: Exploring multi-scenario optimal low-carbon behaviors   for Chinas regions.Journal of Cleaner Production231,963-979.   (SSCI)

2. Z.R. Sun,C. An,H.C. Sun, 2018. Regional differences in energy and environmental   performance: An empirical study of 283 cities in China. Sustainability 10(7), 1-28. (SSCI)

3. Z.R. Sun,R.D. Luo,D.Q. Zhou, 2016. Optimal   path for controllingsectoral CO2 emissions among China’s regions:   A centralized DEAapproach.Sustainability8(1), 28-47.(SSCI)

4. Z.R. Sun, 2015. Total   energy consumption control based on environmentalZSG-DEA.Metallurgical and Mining   Industry7(5),113-125. (EI)

5. Z.R. Sun, D.Q. Zhou, P. Zhou, 2013. Decoupling   effects of energy-related CO2emissions in China: A LMDI-based analysis.   Actual Problems of Economics (11), 523-535. (SSCI)

6. P.   Zhou, Z.R. Sun, D.Q. Zhou, 2014.   Optimal path for controlling CO2emissions in China: A perspective   of efficiency analysis.EnergyEconomics45,99-110. (SSCI)

7. Z.R. Sun, D.Q. Zhou, P. Zhou, J.H. Bai, 2014. The structural adjustment and   energy related carbon emission: Review on the target of emission reduction achieved.   Journal of Applied Statistics and Management 34(1), 59-74. (in Chinese)   (CSSCI)

8. Z.R. Sun, D.Q. Zhou, P. Zhou, 2013. Decomposing CO2 emissions into   contributing Factors: IPDA Model and empirical study. Systems Engineering   (8), 87-98. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)

9. Z.R.   Sun, D.Q. Zhou, 2013. Study on China’s carbon emission driving forces based on   Divisia index decomposition: Perspective on structure changes of population, industry   and energy consumption (5), 54-61. (in   Chinese) (CSSCI)

10. Z.R. Sun, D.Q. Zhou, P. Zhou, 2012. Driving forces of industrial CO2   emissions: A new production-based decomposition analysis method.   The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics (5), 63-74. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)

11. Z.R. Sun, D.Q.   Zhou, P. Zhou, Z. Miao, 2012. Quota allocation of China’s energy conservation   based on environmental ZSG-DEA. Systems Engineering (1), 84-90. (in Chinese)   (CSSCI)

12. Z.R. Sun, H.Y.   Wu, 2018. Financial frictions and dual margins under carbon emission   constraints: An analysis with E-DSGE model based on endogenous firm entry.   Systems Engineering (1), 1-14. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)

Research project


1. National   Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 71704095),   Regional air pollutant emission reductions, step-by-step benchmarking paths   and technical forecasts based on environmental production technologies,   2018.01-2020.12. (First)

2. Shandong   Provincial Natural Science Foundation (No. ZR2014GP001), Optimization and   control of total energy consumption in Shandong province, 2014.12-2016.12.   (First)

3. China   Postdoctoral Science Foundation Grant (No. 2014M561895),Carbon dioxide   emission decomposition and quota allocation based on environmental production   technology, 2014.09-2016.09. (First)

4. Postdoctoral   Science Foundation Grant of Shandong Province (No. 201403015), Integrating   environmental production technology into Macro-Tech-Micro modelsand   implemented into CO2 reductions in Shandong province,   2014.09-2016.09. (First)

Awards & Honors


1. Z.R.   Sun, H.Y. WuFinancial frictions and   dual margins under carbon emission constraints: An analysis with E-DSGE model   based on endogenous firm entry, Federation of Social Sciences, second   prize for outstanding achievements in social sciences, Weihai, 2019.

School of Business, Shandong University  Address:180 Wenhua Xilu, Weihai, P. R. China
Tel:(86)-631-5688289  Zip:264209